"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu
In this quote, Lao Tzu is expressing that all great things start from small, slow or humble beginnings. I believe this is true when beginning any journey in life. With any path you take toward success, it all starts with the first step. Why does first step seem impossible to so many of us? It feels as if you are at the foot of the largest mountain and don't know if you will ever make it to the top so you don’t even try to begin. There is so much work to be done that it begins to become overwhelming.
It's because of...FEAR!
Fear is what prevents us from accomplishing greatness. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of people's opinions. Afraid to do something new, in ways you have never done before. Whether that's fitness, education, business, relationships, or self improvement. It really doesn't matter what you are specifically trying to achieve, fear can destroy that, if you let it.
Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. We are programmed from birth with the feeling of fear, it's a survival instinct that's necessary to respond to danger. Our perception of danger can come in many forms, but in this day and age we program our minds to fear and stress out over some of the most unnecessary things. We allow our minds to create fake situations with fake outcomes that will never even happen.
Have you ever heard the quote by our 32nd U.S President Franklin D. Roosevelt, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?" This is true! We should Fear the emotion of Fear because it can actually harm you. When we are in frightful and stressful situations, our bodies produce a hormone called Cortisol, which floods the body. The long-term activation of the stress-response system and the overexposure to Cortisol and other stress hormones that follows can disrupt almost all your body's processes. This puts you at increased risk of many health problems, including:
*Anxiety *Depression *Digestive problems *Headaches *Heart disease *Sleep problems *Weight gain *Memory and concentration impairment
This is a negative feedback loop because these health problems will lead to more stress and unhappiness producing more Cortisol and slowly but surely it turns into a downward spiral. Further, preventing you from accomplishing your dreams.
In closing, I advise you to stop being afraid. Stop stressing out over things that you cannot control or things that will never happen. Take those first steps toward your goals. Just decide RIGHT NOW that you are not going to let fear control you. Decide RIGHT NOW that you are going to begin. It's time to take that first step towards success. I truly believe that if you work hard and stay dedicated to your dreams, you will reach success.
Thank you for reading,
“Hard Work And Dedication Lead To Success” - Rob Adams
2 Responses
Robert Adams
March 14, 2021
Sandra Thank you for the response! I plan on continuing to put out content that will help motivate people to achieve their personal successes.
Thank you for reading!
- Rob Adams
Sandra Bujak
March 14, 2021
Loved what you had to say it is absolutely the TRUTH! Thank you, you are amazing.
Robert Adams
March 14, 2021
Sandra Thank you for the response! I plan on continuing to put out content that will help motivate people to achieve their personal successes.
Thank you for reading!
- Rob Adams